N.º SOCIO: SO-0000000016

Egresada: University Health Sciences Center, Colorado - MSPT Maestría en Fisioterapia

Educación continua:

  • CSM (Combined Sections Meeting): múltiples charlas sobre ECV, LM, Análisis de tarea con movimiento entre otros. (2020 y 2003)
  • Getting Paid for PT Services: Documentation, CPT Coding, Billing and Payment
  • A Focus on Function- The next frontier in reducing avoidable hospital readmissions
  • Movement System 1- Diagnoses in Neurologic Physical Therapy
  • Treating Balance and Fall Prevention for the Geriatric Patient
  • A Practical Evidence Based Approach to Evaluating and Treating Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
  • Differential Diagnosis Module 1: Introduction to Screening
  • Pain, Plasticity and Physical Therapy: Applications of Graded Motor Imagery
  • Manual Therapy and Exercise Management of Cervicogenic Dizziness Based on Clinical Reasoning
  • IV Step: Prevention, Prediction, Plasticity and Participation
  • Harnessing the Power of Neuroplasticity in Rehabilitation
  • Professionalism Module 8: Evidence-Based Practice in the Real World
  • Create a Culture of Mobility in Acute Care
  • WPC Scientific Update: Parkinson’s Pipeline Umbrella
  • Physiotherapy Management of Spinal Cord Injuries Course
  • Manual Therapy for the Lumbopelvic Region

Contacto: +1970-208-2925 (WhatsApp)

Correo electrónico: cathyd@turbonet.com 

Lugar de trabajo: SAMS Missionary PT | Society of Anglican of Missionaries and Senders 
